Tailor-made music creator
Chopard Genève William Chauvet
seat William chauvet
Les Rhabilleurs William Chauvet
Tudor William Chauvet
Last creations 2


I am a french composer from Versailles, France. Piano is the instrument that turned me into a passionate musician and composer.

Following graduate studies in management, I enhanced my musical expertise through a program of courses in sound engineering and production.

I have a keen interest in all sort of music and adapt the style of my productions to different kinds of customers : marketing and communication directions, film directors, advertising agencies…

Tailor-made music composer

  • Music for advertising (Web, TV,  Radio)
  • Audio identity
    • Audio/sound branding : brand development and brand management by use of audible elements within the framework of brand communication strategy.
    • Sound signature : composition and production of a unique, intricate and characteristic short song slogans.
  • Composition and sound design for movies, documentaries or other content.